Veganism Through the Ages: From Ancient Traditions to Modern Lifestyle

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The practice of veganism has been around for centuries, and it has its roots in ancient cultures and religions. For example, Jainism, a religion that originated in India around the 6th century BCE, teaches the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence, and its followers avoid harming any living being, including animals. Buddhism, another religion that originated in India around the 5th century BCE, also teaches the principle of ahimsa, and many Buddhists choose to follow a vegan diet out of compassion for animals.

Is Lab-Grown Meat Vegan?

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Lab-grown meat, created by cultivating animal cells in a lab, offers promise in reducing animal suffering and environmental harm. The debate over its status as vegan hinges on whether it's ethical to use animal cells, despite the benefits of less cruelty and resource efficiency. While it's a personal choice, lab-grown meat's future could reshape the food industry, potentially mitigating animal suffering, environmental impact, and greenhouse gas emissions. The complex question of its veganism remains open, with valid arguments on both sides.

Vegan Keto Protein Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

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The keto diet has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people have come to realize the many health benefits it can offer. However, one of the biggest challenges of following a keto diet is getting enough protein. This is especially true for vegans, who do not consume animal products. There are a number of myths about vegan keto protein that can make it seem like this way of eating is impossible or unhealthy. Here, we debunk 10 of the most common myths and explain how you can get enough protein on a vegan keto diet.